Grow A Garden - All about our Toulouse Mix

Our Toulouse Mix seed packets are the perfect way to start a garden for your rabbits and rodents.

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How To Plant

Each of the plants here has different germination rates and harvesting times. The variation of the Toulouse Mix should have your garden growing from spring to fall with a varied selection of flowers and herbs to feed your rabbits and rodents.

In general, you will find the seeds to germinate between 5 to 21 days, however some may take up to four weeks or longer to sprout, especially in cooler temperatures.  The germination rates range from 60% to 100%. Starting inside on a heat mat will encourage faster and more successful germination.

Ideal spacing for the seeds is between 4-12 inches (10-30 centimeters) apart, with an average of 8 inches (20 centimeters).

Most plants in the Toulouse Mix do best when grown in full sun. Full sun is an area in the garden which receives 6+ hours of direct sunlight a day. They will also tolerate partial shade locations, which receive 4-6 hours of direct sun each day. Don't have a yard? The seeds can be grown in containers indoors or on balconies if placed in a sunny south-facing window, or have the less or lack of sunlight supplemented with grow lights. Unsure about how much sun you get? Read this useful article from Proven Winners: Can't access the link? Article archive:

For many plants, when they begin to flower, cutting off the flower blooms will prolong the growth of its leaves, like basil, or further flowering, like calendula. Otherwise you can allow them to go to seed and save the seeds for next year's planting, or for indoor winter gardens.

We fill each packet with over 200 seeds of 19 different plants in 35 varieties to up the chances of germination. This also increases the odds of plants surviving to maturity, as many small critters enjoy snacking on seeds planted outside.

There are at least 5 seeds for each of the 35 varieties. Some of the tiny seeds, like yarrow and plantain, as well as some popular greens like carrot, cilantro, red clover, and dill, have 15+ of each.


Every packet of the Toulouse Mix contains over 200 seeds, with 5-20 seeds of each of the following plants:

Taraxacum pseudoroseum – Pink Dandelion

Hardy to Zone 3

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

May not flower the first year

Borago officinalis – Borage ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 2

Herb and flower is edible

Fed once a week at most

Centaurea cyanus – Bachelors button, Cornflower

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 2

Herb and flower is edible

Calendula officinalis – Calendula, Pot Marigold, Marigold

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 2

Whole plant is edible, root to flower

Nigella damascena – Love-in-a-mist, Nigella ORGANIC

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 1

Herb and flower is edible

Daucus carota – Carrot ORGANIC

Assorted colors, red, orange, yellow, purple, and white

Hardy to Zone 4

Whole plant is edible, root to flower

Achillea millefolium – Common Yarrow, Milfoil

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 3

Herb and flower is edible 

Fed once a week at most

Ocimum basilicum – Basil

'Mammoth' and 'Red Rubin'

Hardy to Zone 2

Herb and flower is edible

Viola spp. – Viola, Violet, Pansy

Assorted colors, including 'Freckles', 'Dark Freckles', 'Aprikosenfarbe', 'Admiration', and 'Rubin'

Hardy to Zone 6

Herb and flower is edible

Coriandrum sativum – Cilantro ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 2

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

Trifolium pratense – Red Clover ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 3

Herb and flower is edible

Echinacea purpurea – Echinacea 'Lustre Hybrid'

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 3

Herb and flower is edible

Malva sylvestris – Common mallow ORGANIC

Assorted colors

Hardy to Zone 4

Herb and flower is edible

Plantago major – Plantain 

Assorted colors, 'Variegata', 'Purple Perversion' ORGANIC, and standard green ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 4

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

Satureja hortensis – Summer Savory

Hardy to Zone 6

Herb and flower is edible

Cichorium intybus – Cornflower, Chicory, Coffeeweed

Hardy to Zone 3

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

Lactuca sativa – Freckles Romaine ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 2

Herb and flower is edible

Levisticum officinale Lovage  

Hardy to Zone 5

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

Anethum graveolens – Dill, Dillweed ORGANIC

Hardy to Zone 2

Whole plant is edible, root to flower.

Gardening Tips

Whether you are new to gardening, like to share your own knowledge, or just want to make sure you give your new bunloaf garden the best conditions to be successful, here is a list of useful websites for everyone, novice to expert.


Garden ideas, layouts, and plant care information.

Garden Tags

Gardening photos and community advice, phone app and desktop.


Climate zone-based guide to ideal planting times, and community-based care tips and tricks.

Garden Guides

Garden planner, idea and care guides.

Dave's Garden

Garden database and encyclopedia, information guides, and community forums.


Garden plant database and growing guides.

North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

Database with growing guides, photos, and information on plants grown in North Carolina, but useful for most of the United States.

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